domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012


Miguel Primo de Rivera was a Spanish general and political, was chief minister and chairman. Born in Cadiz. When income was very young at the Military Academy. Participated in the War of Cuba, which led to the independence of the Philippines and the War of Morocco. 

Achieved the rank of colonel. In 1919 he was promoted to lieutenant general and was named Captain General of Valencia. Shortly after it was of Madrid. He inherited from his uncle Fernando Primo de Rivera the title of Marquis of Estella after his death in the disaster of Annual in 1921.

His policy was outstanding season as Rivera Primo from that exercised power in Spain, has been divided into two stages:

-The Military Directory: In 1923 Primo Rivera proclaimed the dictatorship. When he was appointed head of the government formed a military directory. Sacrificed democratic power, censoring the press, political persecution or closure of parliament.

- Civil directory: Following the successes achieved in war of Morocco, instead of retiring was established through a Civil Directorate instituted December 3, 1925. Primo de Rivera tried to build a system to replace the defunct parlament  which had occurred during the Restoration. An assembly formed organically, should be responsible for drafting a new constitution. To cover this regimen was created a game from the highest offices, the Patriotic Union Spanish (UPE).

Wanted it to work as a conservative party. He managed to alleviate the public debt and monopolized a key sector.
Faced with growing opposition and lack of support from their own friends, Primo de Rivera introduced him to King Alfonso XIII, his resignation on January 28 in 1930.

Ocaña , Juan Carlos . "La dictadura de Primo de Rivera.."La dictadura de Primo de Rivera., 2005. Web. 13 May 2012. < >.

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