domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

World War I

The first wold war took place between the years 1914-1919.

After the German unification, Germany became the most important European power. When Kaiser Wilhem I died, Wilhem II became the new Kaiser. He wanted to follow a more aggressive policy in Europe and he also wanted to create a German Colonial empire. Bismarck was deposed.

From 1890 to 1914 the interational relations changed in Europe. Europe was divided into two alliances know as Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.

The Triple Alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy and the triple Entente was formed by Britain, France and Russia.

Germany and Britain began an Arms race. The Alliance systems set up to prevent war.
There are many conflicts among the European powers. The scamble for Africa had led to many small conflicts around the world. Colonial conflicts led to the Moroccan crises. Germany wanted to stop France creating a protectorate in Morocco but British support France to achieve its objective.

The enormous tension created at the beginning of the 20 century was about to explode. The key event was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was killed by a member of a secret Serbian terrorist, member of the Black Hand.

Austrians with the German Support, declared war on Serbia. Russia prepared the support to Serbia and ordered the general movilisation and Germany declared war on Russia and France.

The sides in the war were the Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, and the Allies: Russia, France, Britain, Italy, Rumania and the USA.

Germany was worried about being sorrounded by France and Russia and created the Schlieffen Plan. This plan cosists in aimed to attack and defeat France through Belgium before the Russians where ready and then turn back to fight the Russian Army. This plan was failed.

Paris did not fall and the Germans attacked the French in the Battle of Marne.
On the other hand at the Eastern front, the Russians having mobilised more quickle than the Germans excepted, and make a mistake invading Austria and East Prussia at the same time
The year 1917 turning point in the war. Disaster occurs when Russia wirhdrew from the war. Defeat by the Germans the leadership caused two revolutions. Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in 1918 giving Germany control of large amount of Eastern territory in return for pace. In 1917 the USA joined the war. Germany declared the war on the USA. The USA made an important contribution to the Allied victory they suplied Britain and France with food, merchant ships and credit.

In June 1919 the war ended with a series of treaties but the most importat was the Treaty of Versailles for Germany. The main clauses of this treaty were:

- The Austria, German and Ottoman empires disappeared.
- New countries were born
- Germany lost territory in Europe
- Turkey lost its European territories except a small area close to Constantinople.
- German armaments were strctly limited.
- The War Guilt. Germany was top ay reparations for damage done to the Allies.
- The League of Nations was set up to keep world peace. 

Ocaña, J. C.. La primera guerra mundial. N.p., 2003. Web. 13 May 2012. <>

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