domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

World War I

The first wold war took place between the years 1914-1919.

After the German unification, Germany became the most important European power. When Kaiser Wilhem I died, Wilhem II became the new Kaiser. He wanted to follow a more aggressive policy in Europe and he also wanted to create a German Colonial empire. Bismarck was deposed.

From 1890 to 1914 the interational relations changed in Europe. Europe was divided into two alliances know as Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.

The Triple Alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy and the triple Entente was formed by Britain, France and Russia.

Germany and Britain began an Arms race. The Alliance systems set up to prevent war.
There are many conflicts among the European powers. The scamble for Africa had led to many small conflicts around the world. Colonial conflicts led to the Moroccan crises. Germany wanted to stop France creating a protectorate in Morocco but British support France to achieve its objective.

The enormous tension created at the beginning of the 20 century was about to explode. The key event was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was killed by a member of a secret Serbian terrorist, member of the Black Hand.

Austrians with the German Support, declared war on Serbia. Russia prepared the support to Serbia and ordered the general movilisation and Germany declared war on Russia and France.

The sides in the war were the Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, and the Allies: Russia, France, Britain, Italy, Rumania and the USA.

Germany was worried about being sorrounded by France and Russia and created the Schlieffen Plan. This plan cosists in aimed to attack and defeat France through Belgium before the Russians where ready and then turn back to fight the Russian Army. This plan was failed.

Paris did not fall and the Germans attacked the French in the Battle of Marne.
On the other hand at the Eastern front, the Russians having mobilised more quickle than the Germans excepted, and make a mistake invading Austria and East Prussia at the same time
The year 1917 turning point in the war. Disaster occurs when Russia wirhdrew from the war. Defeat by the Germans the leadership caused two revolutions. Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in 1918 giving Germany control of large amount of Eastern territory in return for pace. In 1917 the USA joined the war. Germany declared the war on the USA. The USA made an important contribution to the Allied victory they suplied Britain and France with food, merchant ships and credit.

In June 1919 the war ended with a series of treaties but the most importat was the Treaty of Versailles for Germany. The main clauses of this treaty were:

- The Austria, German and Ottoman empires disappeared.
- New countries were born
- Germany lost territory in Europe
- Turkey lost its European territories except a small area close to Constantinople.
- German armaments were strctly limited.
- The War Guilt. Germany was top ay reparations for damage done to the Allies.
- The League of Nations was set up to keep world peace. 

Ocaña, J. C.. La primera guerra mundial. N.p., 2003. Web. 13 May 2012. <>

The Post-War Period

The postwar period is the time that passes after an armed conflict that is usually after a war that is intense enough to cause social and economic crises.
The postwar usually affects all areas of society such as either the political, demographic, economic, social, etc..
Overcoming this stage depends on the economic situation of each country. Although all countries who participated in the war to go through a time of postwar logically take longer to get over this stage the countries that have lost, they have been defeated, that the winners.

"periodo entre guerras." Historias siglo 20. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2012. < >.

Germany after treaty of Versailles

After the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost many men, the mainland and its colonial possessions. Not only that, they also reduced the number of men, the fleet and banned military recruitment.

The harsh economic conditions of Germany after the war began to worry because the German people saw as their country's money was being lost little by little to no particular purpose. Unemployment was increasing gradually until in 1923 one in four Germans were without work. Germany after being so bad economically asked for a reprieve of debt in order to recover and continue to pay, as one of the points of the treaty of Versailles was that Germany had to pay all damage caused to other countries because of that economic status was not good because it did not have the money to pay to other countries and also to continue to bring his country. When asked for the postponement on other countries (France, Belgium and Italy) answered his request trying to conquer a part of Germany. This made the German nationalists hold out no longer and revealed against their own allies and Weimer republic.

The Weimar Republic was created after the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the end of the war and the demise of the Second Reich. This republic was put to political tensions, economic and social for about 15 years that was what hard. During this republic were presidents Elbert in the years 1918 - 1925 and 1925 and Hinderbung during 1934.
This republic was formed by a regime which gave the President the power to govern in an emergency.
The Weimar Republic was faced with great difficulties that eventually caused its demise.
The first difficulty faced was the fragile political base after it had been created as it was supported by liberal Catholics who saw that the economy was wrong withdrew their support for republican institutions.
The second difficulty that presented itself was that ubo to face Republican administrations since Germany was required to pay the vendecores of the first world war.
The third difficulty was the inability to enlist the support of citizens and that these were that were losing money and that the country was getting worse situations that did not support this republic.
The crash of 1929 destroyed the prestige available to republican institutions. Gradually the country was falling further and in 1931 were more than 8 million unemployed who were in Germany.
Finally, on January 30, 1933 Hindenburg appointed Hitler head of government soon after which democracy and thus suppress the republic of Weimar.

ed. "The rise of hitler." The impact of the treaty of Versalles. School history, 4 juny 2004. Web. 13 May 2012

Democracy in Peril

In this section we will discuss which was the democracy of that time in Italy and Spain since agreement was reached with other countries, most known as Locanno Agreements. We will focus democracy of Italy until 1922 and democracy in Spain under the rule of General Primo de Rivera.


Mussolini founded the Italian National Fascist Party began his political career in the Socialist Party.

In 1912 Avantil who was the director of the main Italian newspaper opposed to capitalism and militarism.

In 1914 change of opinion calling for Italy to participate voluntarily in the First World War and to the right approaching politics.
The National Union of Giolitti lost control to the occupations of factories in northern Italy and this has a negative impact because the fascist protest it.

In 1920 starts to spread fascism despite not getting a number too high in the polls. When this happens Giolitti resigns.
Until about October 1922 Italy spent several governments were unstable, which made Mussolini and all those fascists become stronger.

The police and justice was sympathetic to the fascist violence is a certain sympathy against the leftist revolution.
The lively performance that made the fascists were presented to society as "defenders of order".

A part of this month, October 1922 Mussolini began preparations to reclaim power in Rome. Their goal was to get the King to let him join the government.
At the end of 1922 Mussolini took control of the Italian government, saying that if they refused their demands openly would happen a coup, that's how Mussolini took power in Italy.

Gorlitz, Walter. El oro y el poder. 1975. Print. < >.


Miguel Primo de Rivera was a Spanish general and political, was chief minister and chairman. Born in Cadiz. When income was very young at the Military Academy. Participated in the War of Cuba, which led to the independence of the Philippines and the War of Morocco. 

Achieved the rank of colonel. In 1919 he was promoted to lieutenant general and was named Captain General of Valencia. Shortly after it was of Madrid. He inherited from his uncle Fernando Primo de Rivera the title of Marquis of Estella after his death in the disaster of Annual in 1921.

His policy was outstanding season as Rivera Primo from that exercised power in Spain, has been divided into two stages:

-The Military Directory: In 1923 Primo Rivera proclaimed the dictatorship. When he was appointed head of the government formed a military directory. Sacrificed democratic power, censoring the press, political persecution or closure of parliament.

- Civil directory: Following the successes achieved in war of Morocco, instead of retiring was established through a Civil Directorate instituted December 3, 1925. Primo de Rivera tried to build a system to replace the defunct parlament  which had occurred during the Restoration. An assembly formed organically, should be responsible for drafting a new constitution. To cover this regimen was created a game from the highest offices, the Patriotic Union Spanish (UPE).

Wanted it to work as a conservative party. He managed to alleviate the public debt and monopolized a key sector.
Faced with growing opposition and lack of support from their own friends, Primo de Rivera introduced him to King Alfonso XIII, his resignation on January 28 in 1930.

Ocaña , Juan Carlos . "La dictadura de Primo de Rivera.."La dictadura de Primo de Rivera., 2005. Web. 13 May 2012. < >.

Locarno agreements

The treaties of Locarno, is the name that received the eight agreements aimed at strengthening peace in Europe after the First World War signed by the representatives of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Kingdom of Italy and Poland in the city Swiss Locarnoel October 16, 1925.

The eight papers included:

- An agreement between France, Britain, Italy, Germany and Belgium.
- An agreement of understanding between Belgium and Germany.
- A memorandum of understanding between France and Germany.
- A memorandum of understanding between Germany and Poland.
- A memorandum of understanding between Germany and Czechoslovakia.
- A proposed alliance between France and Poland.
- Another between France and Czechoslovakia.
- A statement of the signatories of the agreement of mutual guarantees.

"Locarno Pact." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. 2011. (May 13, 2012).

The booming 20s and the financial crash

It is true that the First World War affect some European regions, but the economic crisis affected all the planet and questioned the foundations of the capitalist system. Started by the United States but just spreading around the world

Frias, Ana Belen. "Unit 5." What changes affected the world in the inter war period?. 13 May 2012.

1920's decade

After the First World War, United States was located in a privileged position compared to other countries. Industrial growth was very good based on the theories of Taylor and Ford on the organization of work and production. 

Moreover agriculture was not as successful and the growth was rather dismal. It was a time when consumerism was a high number and the United States was seen as a rich country, the country promised. 

The good weather was in the population is what made people buy the shares of industrial companies. Until late 1929 the stock rose about 90%. The actions did people make money and this benefited them and investing in the shares of a rich country while the other countries were in a rather critical economic situation. The stock market continued to grow ever more and more.

Siloverstein, Barret. "The 1920s A Decade of Change." North Carolina Museum of History, 2005. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

The origin of the financial crisis and the Black Thursday 24th October 1929

On Thursday 24 October 1929 saw the crack, the explosion, the stock market in New Yor after leaving 13 million shares for sale and not find a buyer, the mismatch between supply and demand causes the value of these shares plummet. 

On October 29 and were more than 16 million of securities trading at the low encuentraron no buyer and caused the ruin of thousands of investors, many had purchased these securities with credits that after the explosion and could not afford. 

Many people ran scared banks to withdraw all their money and thus be affected as little as possible. 

The banks were overwhelmed by bad debts, credits and stood no more debt finance. In 1920 some 600 banks failed in 1930 and did about 1,345 just a year later 2298.

The business landscape was also upset because before the credits were obtained easily because enough money were available, but now everything had changed and get a credit was almost impossible given the lack of money.

This caused many companies go bankrupt and unemployment began to rise in a fairly high.

The Wall Street Journal on line, “Year end review”, 2008, accesado 4 diciembre de 2008)

The great depression

The stock opened a global economic downturn that extended throughout the decade of the 30 and had strong repercussions in the economic, social and political, this is known as the Great Depression. Unemployment surged to all social classes, prices fell and there was immigrations caused by unemployment. 
There were about 14 million unemployed. The crisis did not stop in the U.S., because the economic dependence of other countries depended on the United States. Was a big hole in world production and gender tensions in the labor market.

The new deal

In 1933 Roosevelet become president in order to rebuild the economy. It was then developing a plan called "New Deal" based on the ideas of economist John Keynes, even though it was in favor of liberalism, counseled state intervention in certain cases. 
This plan was designed to encourage investment, unemployment and the credit may well improve the economy and population of the United States and around the world.
Thanks to this plan were provided aid to banks, subsidies for working people in need, but most of the farmers after the great loss suffered after the bursting of the stock market, increased wages and reduced working hours.

Trueman, C.. "The New Deal.", 2000. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

Europe and the big depression

The most outstanding feature of this stage is perhaps the highest increase in unemployment worldwide. 
Those who managed to keep his job, did so with a salary less than that initially available to them. That which previously was wealth, poverty became, what was happiness became sadness, increased mortality and decreased the number of births. The dollar lost value, and international commerce decreased as all governs began to take protective measures for their country.

Until 1933 the economic recovery did not notice a change. Yet the effects of the crisis spread to the beginning of World War II.

ed, tema 9, la crisis economica de 1929, editorial sabuco, libro 1 de bachiller.

The rise of totaliarism

After the death of Lenin in the year 1924, Joseph Stalin gains the control of the government. He was determined to change the Soviet Union to an industrial State. In the year 1928, he created his first five-year plan. This plan consisted in two things: The rapid growth of industry and the increased of farm production. In the five-year plans, Stalin obeys the people to give up their land of work and farms. A lot of these peasants were opposed to the change, and they died.

Stalin had created a new kind of government. Nowadays, this new government is called “totalitarian state”. This government consists of a dictatorship that controlled the life of its citizens. Theses citizens had to obey the government and nobody had rights. There were secret police who spied the citizens. Anyone who refused to obey Stalin would be punished.

Hall, P.. "rise of totalitarianism." The rise of totalitarianism; a brief survey of world history. N.p., 1990. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

The Italian Fascism

After the WWI, Italy had a lot of economic and political problems. Mussolini gained the power using the turmoil. 
He founded the Fascist Party. The fascist people supported the aggressive nationalism. They thought that the rival parties divided the state, so they condemned the democracy. Also, they defended de private property and were opposed to the communism. 
Mussolini and his group, the “Black Shirts”, won the support of a lot of the Italians because they attacked the socialists and communists. 
Mussolini increased his power because he appointed Fascists to the best jobs in the offices, censoring the press and organizing a secret police who spy his citizens. He controlled also 
The Italians had to accept this slogan of Mussolini: "Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."the army and the schools. 

Lazano Camara, J. J.. El acenso de los fascismos. N.p., 2004. Web. 14 May 2012. <>

The Nazism

The full name of the Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. This Party was a nationalistic, anti-communist and an anti Sematic organization.

After the WWI, the German government had to face a lot of problems, like for example, the people who looked for someone to blame their defeat in this war. Also, there were as lot of revolutions and fights between the extremists of the far left, and he extremists of the far right.
In the year 1920, Adolf Hitler took the control of the Nazi party. He won a lot of support because he claimed that the Germans belong to an upper race that was destined to rule the world.

In the 1930s, a lot of citizens found hope in the Nazi party, because the Great Depression caused too much unemployment. On the other hand, Hitler, gain all the power moving all the other oppositions parties and setting up a fascist state, in other words, a totalitarian state.
The secret police was called “The Gestapo”, which arrested a lot of people who opposed the Nazi rule. The Nazis had a lot of power, so, like Mussolini or Stalin, Hitler took the press and the schools to impose their laws.

Another thing that the Nazis did was to make a violent campaign to the Jews. They sent this people to concentration camps or prisons.
To improve the unemployment and the economy, Hitler increased the German military. He violated the Versailles Treaty.

Lozano Camara, J. J.. El nazismo alemán. N.p., 2004. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

World War II

The WWII is the period of time between the invasion of Poland to the dropping to the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Exactly, between the years 1939 to 1945.

Events of 1939:

A lot of people think that the Second World War was originated by Hitler and the Nazis, but there were a lot of events before and after the apparition of this group, Like for example the Spanish Civil war, the declaration of war between France and Britain to Germany… All this events took place in the 1939.
France joined to Britain to declarate the war to Germany, because USA supplied Britain a lot of essential things.

Events of 1940:

There were a war between Finland and Russia which concluded in March, but in the following months, Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. In this war, Denmark surrendered immediately, but the Norwegians fought with the help of France and Britain.
On 10 May, Germany invaded France, Belgium and Holland.
In France, there were signed an armistice between this country and Germany. This armistice consists that the person who governed the country controlled only the southern and eastern parts of France, and Germany controlled the rest.
When Hitler invaded France, he change the objective, and want to invaded Britain. Germany attacked the factories of the bigger cities of the UK.

Events of 1941:

In this year, most of Europe was controlled by the Nazis. On the other hand, Greece and Tobruk defeat Mussolini's armies, but, Germany arrived and invade Greece and Yugoslavia.
The Japanese organized a surprise attack to the USA aries, in Hawaii.
So, with this reason, the global conflict began to be more important and Germany declare the war to the United States; Japan invaded the Philippines, Burma and Hong Kong.

Events of 1942:

In this year, the Japanese continiued with its expansion in Borneo, Java and Sumatra.
The USA sea-based aircraft destroyed four Japanese carriers and cruiser.
In Germany, the Jewish people was murdered by the Nazis when they reached the Allies,and the United States wanted to avenge this type of crimes.

Events of 1943:

One of the most important Hitler defeats was in Stalingrad.
By the end of may, Mussolini had fallen, and in September, the italians surrended to the Allies, prompting a German invasion into the northern Italy.
Mussolini establiseh a fascist republic in the north.
Russian recapted Kiev and Kharkov from Germany, and they began to bomber Germany.

Events of 1944:

In this year, Japan began new attacks to China. They captured a lor of territory in the south of the country, and also, they add new adquisitions in the central and northern areas.
Russia counterattack Germany in June. They captured 350000 German soldiers. At the end of the summer, the Russians took Bucharest, Estonia and Budapest.

Events of 1945:

Hitler killed himself, and two days after his dead, Mussolini had been capturated by the Italian partisans. Also, the Western Allies raced the Russians to be the first into Berlin. The Russians won. With this events, the was in Europe was over.
The Vritish advanced in Burma, and the Americans invaded Iwo Jima. The Philippines and Okinawa followed and Japanese forces began to withdraw from China.
The Allied wanted to use an atomic bomb against Japan, but finally, the new American president did not use it.
Two atomic bombs atacked Japan, one in Hiroshima, and the other in Nagasaki.

The WWII is the biggest conflict in history. It had lasted almost six years. Some 100 million people had been militarised and 50 million had been killed. Of those people who had died, 15 million were soldiers, 20 million were Russian civilian, 6 millions were Jews and over 4 million were Poles.

Lancaster, A.. "Second World War.", n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

Origins of the conflict and precedents Italian invasion of Ethiopia. The Spanish civil war and the Munich agreements.

Italian invasion of Ethiopia:

This was the second Italian invasion to Ethiopia. It was a colonial war which started in October 1935 and ended in May 1936. The war was fought between Italy and the Ethiopian Empire. The war resulted in the military occupation of Ethiopia and its annexation into the colony of Italian East Africa.
Italy and Ethiopia were members of the League of Nations, so the League was unable to control Italy or to protect Ethiopia.
This war coincided when Mussolini controlled the country. The Italians won the war, and they brought the creation of the Italian Empire with Ethiopia included.

Toynbee, A.. Ww2: Italy invades ethiopia. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

Spanish Civil War:

This was a very big conflict fought in Spain in the year 1936 to 1939. This war began when a group of generals under the leadership José Sanjurjo against the elected government of the Second Spanish republic. In that time, the President was Manuel Azaña.
The rebel group was supported by the Carlistst and the Fascist Falange. The uprising was anti-separatist in inspiration, anti-Basque and anti-Catalan feeling marked the Nationalist zone.
Spain was divided in militarily and politically divided. In that moment, Franco began a war with the support of Nazi Germany and Italy.
The Civil War became notable for the passion and political division. A lot of people, like 10.000 of civilians on both sides were killed for their political or religious views.
The Nationalists won the war.

SAROMA , Manuel. "la guerra civil española /spanish civil war." La Guerra Civil Española. N.p., 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

Munich Agreements:

This was an agreement which permit the Nazi German annexation of Czech Republic Sudetenland. The Sudetenland were areas in the borders of the country, where the ethnic Germans live. The agreement was negotiated and signed in Munich. It was signed in the year 1938. In that conference, the people discussed the future of the Sudetenland in the face of territorial demands by Hitler. This agreement was signed by Germany, France, UK and Italy.

Simkin, J.. "Munich Agreement." Spartacus educational. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

The wind that shake Europe in 1939, the first campaigns

The fist campaign was about the Jews: The Nazi newspaper began agitating a boycott of Jewish businesses and anti-Jewish boycotts became regular in the year 1920. In that year, the German parties began to be closed to Jews.
In the Christmas of 1932, the office of the Nazi party organized a new boycott. A lot of businesses, like the firm “Siemens” refused to employ Jews. The same occurred in banks and restaurants. This happened in Europe, but in Germany was extremely.
In the year 1933, the Nazis won a lot of seats in the German parliament.
There was widespread international horror at the persecution of the Jews.
Another boycott against the Jews, were that the Jewish-owned department stores or establishments or offices of doctors were painted with the star of David in yellow.
This boycott was ignored by a lot of Germans who continued shopping in the Jewish establishments.
All these boycotts marked the beginning of a campaign by the Nazi party against the German Jewish population.
There was a law, who cant permit the Jews who were teachers or judges work.

ed. "Naval history homepage." Western Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

The victory of the allies.

By the beginning of 1944, air warfare had turned in favor of the Allies, who wrought unprecedented destruction on many German cities.
On the Eastern Soviet armies swept through the Baltic States, Poland, Belorussia and Ukraine. The Germans resisted in Hungary, but Germany itself was pressed. The Russians entered East Prussia and Czechoslovakia.

Lancaster, A.. "Second World War.", n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.


The Aftermath of the WWII is sometimes considered like a new era. This period is defined by a mixture of international cooperation to rebuild Europe and Japan through the Marshall Plan.
In this period there was also a war, called “Cold War” between the United States and the Soviet Union.
The debt amassed by the United Kingdom and the reliance of western Europe on American loans and military support, made the maintenance of the Old Europe’s colonies.
The economic and political growing of the US in Western Europe and the Soviet union in Eastern Europe, shifted the international balance of power from the former imperial powers of western and central Europe to the US and Soviet Union.
The pos-war period was dominated by the Soviet Union, converting into Soviet Socialist Republics.
Yugoslavia emerged as an independent Communist state allied with the Soviet Union.
The allies established the Far Eastern Commission and Allied Council for Japan to administer their occupation of that country while the establishment Allied Control Council, administers occupied Germany.
The Soviet union occupied and subsequently annexed the strategic island of Sakhalin.

"WWII/aftermath." / /, 7/2/. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012


1. Historical characters

Woodrow Wilson: He was the 28th president of the United States from the year 1913 to 1921. He was also the leader of the Progressive Movement.

Gustav Stresseman: He was a German politician. He was a co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 1926. His best job, was the reconciliation between Germany and France.

Lloyd George: He was the prime minister of the United Kingdom between the years 1916-1922. He was also the leader of the Liberal Party.

Georges Clemenceau: He was from France. His job was a journalist. He also was the Prime Minister of his country between the years 1906 and 1909, and also between the years 1917 to 2920.

Paul Von Hinderburg: He was a Prussian-German politician and statesman. He served as the second President of Germany, from the year 1925 to 1934.

Franklin Roosevelt: He was the 32nd President of the United States. He was a central figure in world events during the 20th century.

Adolf Hitler: He was a German politician and also the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party. He also was the chancellor of Germany from the year 1933 to 1945 and also, he was the dictator of Nazi Germany between the years 1934 to 1945.

Benito Mussolini: He was an Italian politician who permits the National Fascist Party. He ruled Italy from the year 1922 to 1943. He is one of the key figures of the creation of fascism.

Joseph Stalin: he was Russian. He was the Primer of the Soviet Union. When he reached the power after the dead of Lenin, he put down all the opposition groups within the Communist Party.

Winston Churchill: He was a British politician. He is known thanks to his leadership with the United Kingdom in the WWII. He is the only British prime minister who has received the Nobel Literature Prize.

Dwight Eisenhower: He was the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961. He 
was been a five-star general in the USA Army during the WWII.

2. Concepts

Stock Market: The market in which shares are issued and traded either through exchanges or over-the-counter markets. Also known as the equity market, it is one of the most vital areas of a market economy as it provides companies with access to capital and investors with a slice of ownership in the company and the potential of gains based on the company's future performance.

Fascism:  Is the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority. The Italian name of the movement, fascismo, is derived fromfascio, "bundle, (political) group," but also refers to the movement's emblem, the fasces, a bundle of rods bound around a projecting axe-head that was carried before an ancient Roman magistrate by an attendant as a symbol of authority and power. The name of Mussolini's group of revolutionaries was soon used for similar nationalistic movements in other countries that sought to gain power through violence and ruthlessness, such as National Socialism.

Depression:  The depression for economics, is a period of economic crisis in commerce, finance, and industry, characterized by falling prices, restriction of credit, low output and investment, numerous bankruptcies, and a high level of unemployment. 

Inflation: Inflation is when the prices of most goods and services continue to creep upward. When this happens, your standard of living falls. That's because each dollar buys less, so you have to spend more to get the same goods and services.

Communism: Economic and social system in which all (or nearly all) property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens. Based on the 1848 publication 'Communist Manifesto' by two German political philosophers, Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his close associate Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), it envisaged common ownership of all land and capital and withering away of the coercive power of the state. 

In such a society, social relations were to be regulated on the fairest of all principles: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Differences between manual and intellectual labor and between rural and urban life were to disappear, opening up the way for unlimited development of human potential. In view of the above, there has never been a truly communist state although the Soviet Union of the past and China, Cuba, and North Korea of today stake their claims. See also Marxism and Socialism.

3. Skills

Books and journals: 

1.Gorlitz, Walter. El oro y el poder. 1975. Print. <>.

2.Frias, Ana Belen. "Unit 5." What changes affected the world in the inter war period?. 13 May 2012.

3.The Wall Street Journal on line, “Year end review”, 2008, accesado 4 diciembre de 2008)

4. ed, tema 9, la crisis economica de 1929, editorial sabuco, libro 1 de bachiller. 


5. Ocaña, J. C.. La primera guerra mundial. N.p., 2003. Web. 13 May 2012.

6. "periodo entre guerras." Historias siglo 20. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2012.

7. ed. "The rise of hitler." The impact of the treaty of Versalles. School history, 4 juny 2004. Web. 13 May 2012. <

8. Ocaña , Juan Carlos . "La dictadura de Primo de Rivera.."La dictadura de Primo de Rivera., 2005. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

9. Locarno Pact." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. 2011. (May 13, 2012).

10. Siloverstein, Barret. "The 1920s A Decade of Change." North Carolina Museum of History, 2005. Web. 13 May 2012. <

11. Trueman, C.. "The New Deal.", 2000. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

12. Hall, P.. "rise of totalitarianism." The rise of totalitarianism; a brief survey of world history. N.p., 1990. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

13.  Lazano Camara, J. J.. El acenso de los fascismos. N.p., 2004. Web. 14 May 2012. < 

14. Lozano Camara, J. J.. El nazismo alemán. N.p., 2004. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

15. Lancaster, A.. "Second World War.", n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

16. Toynbee, A.. Ww2: Italy invades ethiopia. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

17. SAROMA , Manuel. "la guerra civil española /spanish civil war." La Guerra Civil Española. N.p., 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

18. Simkin, J.. "Munich Agreement." Spartacus educational. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

19. ed. "Naval history homepage." Western Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

20."WWII/aftermath." / /, 7/2/. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.